My name is Tony, and I created this site to document my successes and failures. I believe it is important to create a map so that one can see the path they follow and be able to measure their milestones. Also important, this site provides a platform where I may demonstrate the honesty and transparency in which I live my life. As interested as people seem to be about who I am, and then fail to ask, I am providing a portal to share my journey.
As my starting point, I will briefly discuss my most recent accomplishment. After a very arduous assessment that included essays as well as psychological and intelligence tests, I feel privileged to have been accepted into an Accelerator . This upcoming cohort, which begins in October 2016, is the inaugural class. I am honored to be a part of this program.

Here are some current ideas that I am testing. I invite you to click the link and provide any feedback that you might have:

Of course, there is ALWAYS the 'Hot Seat' pitches! The pitches were intense this night, and the mentoring panel did not pull their punches!